SL/2021/1173 - 32 Milnthorpe Road KENDAL LA9 5AU:

last updated: 04 February 2022

Change of use of former hairdressers and maisonette (Use Class E and C3) into 3 bedroom dwelling (Use Class C3) including installation of new sash windows to front elevation, replacement front conservation roof light & front door refurbishment.


We are pleased to see the proposed replacement of inappropriate and uPVC windows with traditional wooden sash windows with a local fenestration pattern which we consider would enhance the Conservation Area.

Whereas we would not normally consider insertion of double-glazed units into existing traditional window sashes to be appropriate, where new windows are necessary and they can be accommodated without adversely affecting the glazing pattern we support the improved energy efficiency this provides as it contributes to the continued use of the building and helps to mitigate climate change.

It is good to see that the front door is to be refurbished rather than replaced. However, it is a shame the original top floor wooden sash window is proposed to be replaced rather than refurbished and insulation upgraded with secondary safety glazing in line with Historic England guidance.