Visual Design Guide

Kendal Civic Society
Visual Design Guide

This guide has been produced for the Executive Committee of Kendal Civic Society when considering town planning considerations, especially in the Conservation Area. The document examines traditional building materials and workmanship; it also provides a very brief explanation on how architects understand proportion, harmony and scale within the context of the urban landscape. Whilst the examples chosen are by no means exhaustive, it is hoped they will serve to assist members of the executive committee in evaluating the merit of planning applications and new interventions within the town of Kendal.

Kendal’s buildings tell a unique story of its past. Whist the mediaeval timber framed buildings and thatched roofs have long since gone, the characteristic stone and rendered walls of today gives the town its ‘old grey‘ mantle, a cloak it has worn for hundreds of years. However on closer examination the town’s stonework is not grey, but a buff colour and the roofscape comes in a variety of slate colours, rhythms and textures. Any new development, work to existing buildings or additions to the public realm need to respect Kendal’s heritage. Understanding the materials used, local vernacular traditions and the skills used to create Kendal’s unique characteristics must inform any decisions about the quality of any proposed work.

“Preserving the Best of the Past and
Promoting the Best of the New”

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