Kendal Swifts - Swift Awareness Week 2021

last updated: 02 July 2021

Kendal Swift Watch 2021 Friday July 9th to Sunday July 11th

As part of the national Swift Awareness Week, our Kendal Swift Group invites you to take one hour, during the weekend of Friday July 9th to Sunday July 11th 2021, to count the maximum number of swifts that you can see flying around. This can be done at any time of the day, and the whole family can take part.

You can report back on Facebook to Kendal Swift Watch July 9th -11th 2021, Or email to

As well as letting us know the number of swifts, please tell us what time you were watching, and also approximately where, in Kendal, Cumbria, you were.

Good places to watch are:

  • by the River Kent, especially at Gooseholme
  • Appleby Road by Pixel Mill
  • Fellside, especially Serpentine Road.

Good times to watch are during good weather, and in the evening.

You may see swifts, swallows and house martins flying together, as they all feed on insects over the river, so here is how to tell the difference:

Happy Watching!